Monday, December 3, 2007

Tour of Town of Peace River Facilities

On Monday, Mayor and Town Councillors took a tour of the Town of Peace River facilities. CAO, Kelly Bunn, led the tour, introducing us to staff at the Town Office first, then up to our old water treatment plant, down to the museum, the pool and arena, the wastewater plant past Good Shepherd School, the town shop, the water treatment plant, and then a couple of reservoirs. It was a long day and we even had to skip a few places because of a lack of time, like the NAR building where the Chamber of Commerce operates , and the library, which is closed on Mondays.

We all really appreciated the time everyone took to explain their jobs and facilities, and what a complex variety there is. How different could facilities like a museum be from a wastewater plant? From taxation and utilities billing to water treatment or public works? Or from keeping a a library functioning and interesting to the challenges of the arena and pool? Keeping a town humming requires a huge number of skills and a wide array of professional and trades education backgrounds and we are fortunate to have such a dynamic and committed group of people working for the Town.

There seems to be high morale and a great deal of pride among staff, which is so great to see! Everyone is working hard, probably too hard as most of us in Alberta seem to be, but handling the myriad responsibilities that workers in small towns, regardless of what field they are in, are confronted with in a typical day. There's little room for specialists in small town and rural areas and Town of Peace River staff seem to accept and even thrive in this environment.

1 comment:

Janet said...

What positive commentary and perspective, Leslie.

I'd forgotten you were planning to blog from your new seat on Town Council, am doing a search for a school project and here you are! I'll track you down in person tomorrow to ask you the questions I need answered. Thanks in advance.